Thursday, October 16, 2008

Trying to change the way I think

I read this great article on detaching from an alcoholic. Here is the link for anyone who is interested:

It talked about how to deal with an alcoholic spouse without enabling them, focusing on your mental health. "Get off the pity pot" is one area of focus. I think I am guilty of that. I find myself drowning in the sorrow and frustration. It really doesn't get me anywhere. I know this is a weakness of mine - detachment, that is. When that 5:00 hour comes it's all I can do to push back the anxiety. And I absolutely hate how I get sad and scared when he is in a bad mood. It's like my emotional state is dependent on his, and this is so wrong and unhealthy. I seriously need to work on this. I'm not sure I can work on this alone. I haven't been successful so far, so I think I need to start seeing a counselor. I really don't vent to anyone, which is why I started this blog, but I need to work with someone outside of this craziness, to help me in my goal of emotional independence from an alcoholic. I am making a promise right now - to contact a counselor and take the first step by Friday...

1 comment:

sexonatable said...

I just found this not sure where or what you are doing now But I think that you should keep on bloging